
Mon 1
Andover. Spent the evening with Adlam, Emily and Maisie at the latters house, where I was on Sunday evening. I taught them all to play whist then and we had a very happy time together.
Tue 2
Letter from Gerty this morning. Saw the picture "Beulah" and am not so very much struck with the plot either, though the acting was very good. Should have met Miss Hale on Bridge Street. Somehow missed her.
Wed 3
Letter from Dolly. Very pretty tone and clever writing. She says I didn't know you could play the violin. I am quite sure I said so a full year ago. She is passionately fond of violin music.
Thu 4
Met Nellie this evening. Invited to tea next Sunday. Hales disappointed at my not going on Tuesday. Vic returned on Monday. Pictures with same company as yesterday. Registered letter from Vi.
Fri 5
Christ was not a mathematician but a sensationalist. Was at Hales. Find Vic an excellent copyist. Used his materials for a sketch of the "Captain" Army Club advert. Not finished it yet. Another inspection today. Passed B1 again. Call it a bitter waste of time.
Sat 6
Called for photos. Moved, so had taken again. Ella moved to tears because Vic will not come back she says. I was ever a fool to have played so far. There is distrust in my heart, a hatred of women who can trifle and machinate like this.
Sun 7
Mon 8
Till Tuesday there is no telling the effect of my experiences on the future. Had the whole thing thrashed out with Adlam this evening. We have a very faint plan.
Tue 9
Did not keep appointment with Miss Hale. Never again, Walter, if you are sane. Oh, the two ways this story can be made to read.
Wed 10
Telegram asking me to get leave, for Fred is over till 18th. Bad temper because impossible. replied mother to that effect.
Fri 12
Met May again. Went in to see her mother and had a pleasant half-hour over a cup of cocoa. Mother thinks it has been awful of us not to have called before. I thought we were in danger of becoming too intimate with family.
Sat 13
Got my photos at last and sent them home to Gerty. Don't like them very much. Appearance is rather fat if anything. How can the camera lie, I wonder?
Sun 14
R.S.M. says I am under chest measurement.
Mon 15
Great fire raging behind Bridle's this evening.
Tue 16
Letters from Gerty and Dolly. Promised to go and visit family tomorrow. Hope she will, and meet Fred for the first time.
Wed 17
Nineteen years old today. Commenced to write a letter to Dolly in reply to a question "what is your ideal?" How I wish I could make top or tail of her manner towards Billy. She says she dreads his homecoming for she will learn his feelings towards her - if he loves her or not. She evidently expects not. I don't think he can myself; never did.
Fri 19
Nearly got enough money for my Bogon. Read a novel to Field who is sick in bed with piles. Silly argument in Bridle's about Hales started by Adlam of course. Back to billets in a bad temper.
Sat 20
Adlam thinks everyone ought to worship his God, and every woman was made for his approval or disapproval.
Sun 21
Went to Bridle's to tea.
Mon 22
Letter from Vi. Letter from Dolly.
Tue 23
Late pass by accident. Left Bridle's at 9.30. Sat down on tree stump in Salisbury road, presently lost consciousness of surroundings was back home with Dolly who I saw very clearly. I wish it was not so easy to keep thinking of her for the happiness of both. She wrote me a beautiful letter on Monday to which I can only refer here. See large diary for more particulars. I must record a conversation I had with Jimmy Farrow. Jimmy thinks the companionship of men far inferior to that of women. So do I. He asks me to remember the silly conversations which are carried on when two men meet; and contrast the peculiar charm of the Society of a good woman. He is a good husband, though he is not a father. He tells me that people remark on the way he goes about with his wife - just as if he were still courting instead of having been married so many years.
Sun 28
Letter from Fred.
Mon 29
Letter from W.M.-D. Excitement and whist goes together at Mrs Bridle's.
Tue 30
I was thinking this morning of how Dolly used to write to me at Catterick when I asked her not to on account of our imminent removal.
Wed 31
Emergency marching order practice. Concert this evening. Great success.